*English follows Japanese.

Circular Design Praxis Newsletter へようこそ!



  • セクターを超えた協働に取り組みたいと考えている企業の方

  • これからサーキュラーデザインを市民参加型で実践していきたいと考えている行政の方

  • サーキュラーデザインやその周辺領域で活動している国内外の研究者や実践者、デザイナーの方など



Circular Design Praxisとは?

このニュースレターの発行元であるCircular Design Praxis、略してCDPは、「土地の風土や文化から立ちのぼる循環のデザインを探索し、それぞれの実践知を創造的に編みあげることで、多元的で持続可能な世界の実現を目指す運動体」です。循環経済やサーキュラーデザインの領域ではヨーロッパが世界を牽引していますが、経済・産業構造や文化、精神性などが大きく異なるアジア・パシフィック地域ならではのサーキュラーデザインが可能であるという仮説のもと、その確立に向けて活動を展開していきたいと考えています。



そのほか、CDPの詳細についてはウェブサイトをご覧ください→ https://www.circulardesignpraxis.org/

Welcome to the Circular Design Praxis Newsletter!

This is a monthly newsletter for researchers and practitioners in and around circular design who are interested in weaving together pluriversal actualities from Asia-Pacific worlds. We are excited to welcome you (if you decide to join, that is) to the CDP community, and hope that this newsletter becomes a space for vibrant discussions and a springboard for transitional actions.

Whom is this newsletter for?

  • Businesses that wish to engage in cross-sectoral collaboration.

  • Local governments who want to implement place-based circular design with citizen participation.

  • Domestic and international researchers, practitioners, and designers working in and around circular design, and more.

Stay up-to-date

You won’t have to worry about missing anything. At the end of each month, a new edition of the newsletter goes directly to your inbox.

Be part of the Circular Design Praxis (CDP) community

We at CDP believe that a place is where culture, history, ecology, politics of the people who inhabit the land, as well as the meanings and systems of vernacular practices interspersed in everyday lives fold over one another. A place, no matter how urbanized it may be, is pluriversal.

Designing for a circular economy in any specific place therefore requires that these various aspects that distinguish one place from another be taken as a fundamentally inextricable part of the design process. This means that a uniform, top-down approach to circular design that treats each place like any other has its limitations as far as a meaningful transition to a circular economy is concerned.

Against this backdrop, CDP strives to establish a bottom-up, place-based, pluriversal approach to circular design by looking to the vernacular practices, traditions, and customs that are interspersed within the meshwork of life, both human and more-than human, in the Asia-Pacific region for inspiration.

After our launch as a volunteer organization in the spring of 2023, for the first year of operation, we will be focusing on communicating case studies and other relevant information internationally on place-based circular designs that are already being put into practice mainly in Japan, as we organize conferences and workshops along the way.

Whether you work for a corporation, a government, an academic institution, an NPO, or you are a freelancer, we are welcoming all designers, researchers, practitioners, in and out of Japan, who are interested in joining our movement. So don’t forget to sign up!

To find out more about CDP, visit https://www.circulardesignpraxis.org/.

Subscribe to Circular Design Praxis Newsletter

A newsletter for researchers and practitioners in and around circular design who are interested in weaving together pluriversal actualities from Asia-Pacific worlds.


Circular Design Praxis (CDP) will provide a truly transdisciplinary space for researchers and practitioners in and around circular design to explore place-based, vernacular culture, practices, and customs. Hope you'll join us!